S3 CAP Calculation
- This page shows your S3 CAP when you plug the individual GPA from each school into blue cells.
- A S3 CAP equal or above minimum S3 CAP (ex. 2.94 out of 5.0) is a pre-requirement to those who want to apply second degree.
- Please note that you need to fill out all three blue cells by individual GPA to know your expected S3 CAP.
- You can simulate your expected S3 CAP by plugging your target GPA from each school into blue cells.
- The minimum S3 CAP as well as your own S3 CAP is calculated by using the proportion of total class hours at each school as the weight.
- Below table assumes that you may not take any additional class except necessary classes at each school.
- If not, you can adjust the weight on individual GPA by changing total class hours you may take in yellow cells.
- Please refer to the "List of Classes with Grade" sheet for the default of total class hours at each school.
- If you want to know how to calculate CAP in detail, please download an Excel file using the below link and refer to it.